The Meaning and Gift of Advent

Just three days from now we begin the great season of Advent. Because it's good from time to time to remind ourselves what we are up to and why, I want to offer again some words about the meaning of this season for us.


Advent means "the coming."  Advent is the season of expectation and longing, not for the birth of Christ, but for Christ’s promised return. Preparing ourselves and our world for that coming is the meaning of Advent.


And what a gift this season is to us! For one thing, if observed intentionally and with heart, Advent can keep us from ruining Christmas. America begins cranking up the Christmas machine a little earlier every year. Many of us probably had our tree decorated and Nat King Cole crooning The Christmas Song on Spotify before the leftover Thanksgiving turkey was cold in the fridge.


By contrast, Advent asks us to hang back a bit before flinging ourselves headlong into the big party. This holy season asks us to let ourselves feel some emptiness before rushing to stuff ourselves full. Advent wisely invites us to linger awhile in prayer and reflection and repentance before we celebrate.


And let’s be honest: for multi-tasking over-achieving Americans (and Washingtonians!) this comes hard. But what if we try, anyway? I love FBC’s annual practice of suspending all team and committee meetings during the month of December, creating more space for the Divine in our days and weeks.


I invite us to savor together the simple, quiet spirit of Advent. In the words of Paul to his friend, Titus: “…we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13)


Waiting with you…wide-eyed and on tiptoe.