
Thanksgíving  n  1:  the act or occasion of giving thanks, especially to God.

I’m so happy for the chance to name out loud here just a few of the many reasons why I’m so very grateful to be part of the First Baptist DC family:

I’m thankful for the gift of walking these days beneath trees the color of scarlet, cinnamon and butterscotch on my daily commute. I’m thankful for children who sprint up the aisle with the offering plates, and for the sound of Erik and Clark calling us, at the end of worship, to Go in peace to love and serve the Lord! I’m thankful for our splendid choir. I’m thankful for the faithfulness of Harry, Mike and Paul N. who open our sanctuary at noon each weekday for people seeking some soul space. I’m thankful for spontaneous laughter at every Faith Formation Team meeting. I’m thankful for dependable offering counters: John, Mary Jane, Joseph, Stan, Ellen and Mike. I’m thankful for lovingly folded cloth napkins at our Wednesday night suppers. I’m thankful for Tim’s Sunday morning garage ministry. I’m thankful for the way Carolyn, our CDC director, stops by my office for prayer.


I’m thankful for Ellen, who has deepened and inspired the faith of dozens through Education for Ministry. I’m thankful that Steve knows our buildings like the back of his hand. I’m thankful for Ramona and Janice’s joy in preserving our church’s story. I’m thankful for Mike’s way with numbers and Doug’s way with a camera. I’m thankful for Becky’s empathy and Steve N.’s encouraging notes; for Ron D.’s humility and Violet’s hospitality; for Gordon’s smiles and Lucy’s smarts. I’m thankful for Ken’s sense of humor and Rob’s wordsmithery; for Bonnie’s compassion and Adrian’s computer savvy; for Kate’s leadership and Didier’s laugh.

I’m thankful for Rochelle who—every Saturday—takes senior adults grocery shopping. I’m thankful for Lon, whose genius is matched only by his generosity. I’m thankful for Marvin and Patty’s warm hello! in the sanctuary each Sunday, and for Dinh who is the beating heart of our Christ House ministry. I’m thankful for Rod’s dry wit and Sadye’s deep wisdom; for Paul N.’s kindness and Chelsea’s culinary gifts; for Bill B’s zeal and Shirley’s joie de vivre. I’m thankful for Melvyn’s tenderness and Ann’s tact; for Zena’s warmth and Kelly’s way with words; for Dennis’s scholarship and Reneé’s sincerity; for the Kirbys’ vision and Amanda’s voice for liberty.

I’m thankful for the Whatleys’ gorgeous banners. For gini’s honesty and Ron A.’s attention to his family. I’m thankful for Wil, Charlotte and Helen, who are planting biblical truth in our children (and making it fun!). I’m thankful that Allen loves committee meetings. ☺  I’m thankful for children who show us what wide-eyed love for Jesus looks like, and for teenagers who know more about the Bible than most adults. I’m thankful for Dave’s encouragement and Cindy’s artistry; for Alexandria’s courage and Paul C.’s candor; for the Yoders’ perseverance and the Suttons’ positivity; for Denny’s HR acumen and Leslie’s eloquence. I’m thankful for Lilia’s spunk and Alyssa’s spontaneity; Ping’s constancy and Kathie’s caring devotion; for Rose’s moxie and D’O’s encyclopedic memory; for Charlie’s calm and Ernest’s creativity.

I’m thankful for Brenda’s therapeutic insights and Elnora’s entrepreneurial spirit; for Ed’s steadfastness and Mel’s servant heart; for Julie G.’s missions-mindedness and Sarah’s institutional memory. I’m thankful for the Cochrans’ gospel passion and David H.’s good humor; for Matthew’s playfulness and Wilma’s peacefulness; for Jacqueline’s amiability and James’s poetic elegance.  

In short, I am sincerely thankful for you, my FBC family. I could fill pages and pages with examples of how you show me regularly what it means to be a Christ follower. And of course, I’m over-the-moon grateful for Tim, my companion for the journey, and for Taylor and Lucy who are God’s happy gift. For all of this and so much more…

Thanks be to God!
