3D Thursdays: Young Adults in Lent

Many people practice Lent by giving something up – alcohol, meat, chocolate, social media. But, what if Lent is about taking something on in community instead of giving something up in isolation? What if Lent is about the practice of walking with other Christ followers on the good days and the bad days?

Young Adults, you are invited to take something on in community this Lent. Consider spending this holy season journeying together.

Here’s how we’ll do it. We’ll gather weekly for 3D Thursdays: Dinner, Drinks, and Dialogue. Our first gathering will be on Thursday, February 22. Our last gathering will be Thursday, March 28, which is our annual Maundy Thursday meal and worship. We’ll meet in the church parlor each week from 7 – 9 pm, where a modest dinner and drinks will be provided. The suggested donation for the meal is $10/week.

Can’t make all these gatherings? No worries. Show up when it works. Don’t feel guilt when you can’t.

Our dialogue will center around Kate Bowler’s new book Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! This is an honest and real reflection on what it means to follow Jesus through the ups and downs of our days. It allows for discussion about life as it really is – not just the Instagram worthy parts but the difficulty and the painful, too.

See you Thursday!