Upcoming Worship (In-Person & Online)

Sunday, April 28, 2023 11am
Spring Sermon Series
The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath

In-Person, @ firstbaptistdc.org and Facebook Live

This Week in Worship:

This Sunday in worship, Pastor Julie continues the sermon series,The Powerful Pause: Reclaiming Your Soul Through Sabbath with a message from Exodus 3:1-12, titled Pause to Pay Attention.

In the story of Moses and the burning bush, Moses is willing to see, to pay attention to something that’s inviting him to deviate from his plans. God invites us to be fully present in whatever moment we happen to be. Supplemental texts are Matthew 6:24-34 and Philippians 4:4-9.

worship guide updated by each Thursday for the upcoming service