FBC Operations Administrator Zena Aldridge Moving to Eastern Shore

Late this summer, our Operations Administrator Zena Aldridge shared with the Personnel Team and staff that she has made the decision to step away from her role after six years of service to our church. Zena will complete her tenure on our staff November 19.

In recent months, Zena and her family have discerned that this December is the right time to make a move to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Those of you who know Zena are aware she and her family have been considering this move for some time. Characteristic of Zena, she has been concerned about how this timing impacts the church in the midst of a busy season. We have assured Zena that we will both feel her absence, and that we also support her in this decision.

The Personnel Team has been working diligently with the staff to pave the way for a seamless transition and make the best plan for the church’s future. This includes assessing our past, present, and anticipated needs, while making sure essential duties and tasks are covered in an interim. We will communicate that plan with you in the days ahead.

In the meantime, we want to make the most of the time we have remaining with Zena. We will celebrate and thank Zena for her faithfulness, friendship, and excellent work in worship on Sunday, November 19. Part of our gift to her will be a love offering. You can contribute to this love offering online via the church website. Please choose “Make a donation” at the bottom of the page, and select Zena Aldridge Love Offering from the drop-down menu. You can also designate your gift in an envelope and placing it in the offering plate or dropping it off at the church office.

Please send Zena, Ron, and family your prayers and support, and please do the same for our church as we prepare for this transition.