Trisha Miller Manarin to Preach on Jan. 22

Rev. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin has served as Executive Director/Minister of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention since August 2020. She previously served as a local church pastor, coordinator of the Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, staff member with the Baptist World Alliance, and a professor and mission field personnel in Zambia.

A native of Allentown, Pennsylvania, Dr. Manarin earned a Bachelor of Music from Samford University, a M.Div. from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Palmer), and a D.Min. from Wesley Theological Seminary.

The D.C. Baptist Convention, composed of 160 congregations and ministry partners, is one of the most diverse regional organizations among Baptists. At her installation in 2021, Manarin asked, “Isn’t this just like God to bring together people like you and me to be about God’s good—and sometimes dangerous—work?”