64th Annual Christmas Candlelight Carols

Capture the joy of the season with a beloved First Baptist tradition featuring the First Baptist Chancel Choir, 6,000-pipe Austin organ, and brass and timpani. A love offering will be collected in support of Charlie’s Place, a local organization serving unhoused and underserved populations in the neighborhoods of Dupont Circle, Adams Morgan and Columbia Heights. Enjoy hot beverages and cookies in the Narthex after the concert.

About Charlie’s Place:
Located St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church on Connecticut Avenue NW, Charlie’s Place serves unhoused and underprivileged populations in the neighborhoods of Dupont Circle, Adams Morgan and Columbia Heights. Although Charlie’s Place resides at an Episcopal Church, its focus is to address social needs and not religious ones. Charlie’s Place takes special care in welcoming all people of any race, age, gender, background, faith or sexual orientations without judgment or evangelization of any kind.

Thanks to your generosity, the love offering taken at Candlelight Carols for Charlie’s Place totaled $1,431. When we presented it to Charlie’s Place leadership this week, they said:
“The guests who come through the doors each morning believe in our program and the work that we do. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, we serve our guests a hardy breakfast, offer medical services and screenings, provide clothing and personal items, and assistance securing employment and housing. This year, we helped over 500 individuals and served approximately 9,000 meals to our city’s most vulnerable residents.

One of the beautiful things about the Charlie’s Place community is that we come from diverse backgrounds. Yet through these varying backgrounds, a homogenous truth arises-- a commitment to service. We could not meet the needs of our guests without generous donors such as you.”