New Class - Christians and Muslims: Building Bridges

Charlie Reynolds

Charlie Reynolds

New Sunday Morning Class Begins April 8
Taught by Dr. Charlie Reynolds, US Army Chaplain (Ret.)

Every day in the news we view events involving Muslims, yet there is a vacuum of misunderstanding about Muslims and the Islamic Faith. Muslims comprise one of the largest groups of emigrants coming to the United States. Muslims are our neighbors. It is critically important for Christians in the United States to understand Islam and the beliefs of Muslims, as well as how we can interact with our Muslim brothers and sisters in meaningful ways.
Teacher:  As a US Army Chaplain, Charlie Reynolds served as the Strategic Religious Advisor for United States Forces Iraq and United States Army Africa. He retired as the director of the Army Center for World Religions and is currently a religious advisor for the Army. Charlie received his BA in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Richmond and an MDiv and DMin from Golden Gate Seminary in Mill Valley, CA. While in the military he received a Master of Theology Degree from Princeton Seminary in World Religions and Culture and was an Academic Fellow at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, where his academic focus was on ways Religion can assist in reducing conflict. He has presented this material at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly, as well as at conferences in the U. K. and Germany. Charlie’s hobbies are golf, running and hiking.

Classes begin at 9:30am each Sunday:
April 8             Bridge One: Understanding Islam
April 15            Bridge Two: Understanding a Muslim’s World View
April 22            Bridge Three: Understanding the Diversity in Islam
April 29            Bridge Four: The Bridge We Walk Over