Seeking: Lent 2023

The Scripture texts in this year’s Lenten worship ask all kinds of questions.

Some of the questions feel restorative: “Can these bones live?”
Some feel like a charge or challenge: “To whom will we listen?” Some questions are hopeful and curious: “How do we begin again?”

Like the characters in these Lenten texts, we also are seeking many things: clarity, connection, wonder, justice, balance. We are seeking our calling. We are seeking the sacred, and how to live as a disciple.

Throughout the turbulence of the past few years, many are asking big questions about life and faith. If you are returning to church, you’re likely returning with more questions and a critical lens.

This Lent, the Spirit is inviting us to engage in the spiritual practice of seeking. May this Lenten journey create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart of God.