Lon Schreiber To Retire

Dr. Lawrence P. Schreiber will retire in November after 22 years as organist and choirmaster at the First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C.

Dr. Schreiber, known as Lon, became the music leader at First Baptist in 2000 after “retiring” from National City Christian Church where he served 40 years as music minister.

“I flunked Retirement 101,” Dr. Schreiber said. “We’ll see how I do with 102.”

During his tenure at First Baptist, Dr. Schreiber added depth and breadth to the music and worship ministries. He expanded the congregation’s traditional hymn repertoire and added a wide range of choral repertoire to include African-American spirituals and other historical and contemporary sacred music.

He led the selection and acquisition of two iconic instruments for the church: a nine-foot Steinway concert grand piano in 2007 and, in 2012, the five-manual Austin organ with more than 6,000 pipes and trumpets in four chambers.

Under Dr. Schreiber’s leadership, the Steinway and the organ served as instruments of both worship and welcome. At his invitation, renowned pianists and organists performed free recitals, including an annual Halloween celebration featuring guest organists in costume and a concert of eerie music.

Dr. Schreiber oversaw the musical worship during Holy Week services and the beloved Candlelight Carols, an annual community event at First Baptist since 1955.

“Lon Schreiber is as fine a musician, as fine a minister, and as fine a human being as I have known,” said Senior Pastor Julie Pennington-Russell. “Serving with Lon at First Baptist Church has been a joyful journey characterized by laughter, respect, friendship and love.”

“It is rare to find an excellent musician who is also an excellent minister, yet Dr. Schreiber is both,” said Eric Mathis, Associate Pastor for Faith Formation, Worship & the Arts and Young Adults. “The music and worship ministries at National City Christian Church and First Baptist Church have been greatly enhanced by his capable musical leadership and faithful pastoral ministry. Serving alongside Dr. Schreiber has been, and always will be, one of the greatest privileges of my life.”

Dr. Schreiber’s last Sunday at First Baptist is scheduled for Nov. 20. Celebrations of his tenure will be announced.