Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Fall Gathering Sunday Oct. 2, 2022 3 - 5pm

Come hear Paul Baxley, Executive Coordinator of CBF Global, as he shares about how God is working through CBF and what lies ahead.

Breakout Sessions for Lay Leaders

Worship Leading and Care Ministry for Lay Leaders

Seeing various faces leading in worship makes everyone feel welcome and included, but not everyone feels comfortable speaking in public. Reading scripture or praying in a worship service is something we can all do. Join Rev. Robin Bolen Anderson, a pastor who also has a BFA in theater performance, for a workshop on leading in worship, including how to write and deliver prayers. We’ll also end with the worshipful act of staying connected with fellow worshipers throughout the year, not just when we meet in a service. This session is a must attend for deacons, worship committee members, and anyone interested in improving upon or even overcoming fears around leading in worship.

Jesus as Teacher

In this session, we will explore Jesus' role and practice as a master teacher and explore ways we can learn from His example. We will discuss methods and practices that can be used in various learning settings with learners of all ages. Led by Dr. Sarah Boberg, who is the Program Coordinator of Boundary Spanning Theological Education at Campbell University Divinity School.

The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is to serve Baptist churches and Christians as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission they seek to minister in the name of Jesus Christ and according to the Biblical principles upon which Baptist Churches are built. It's aims are:

  1. Strengthen the network of Baptist congregations who are in relationship with the national Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in the Mid-Atlantic Region. The region includes Delaware, Maryland, Northern Virginia, South Central Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

  2. Plan and promote mission projects that involve the Mid-Atlantic churches and individuals in hands-on missions opportunities.

  3. Present programs that articulate Baptist expression of faith and the values of the national Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a Georgia corporation.

  4. Facilitate the collection of offerings from churches and individuals for the ministries and global missions programs of the national Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and gifts designated to MACBF.

  5. Assist in starting new MACBF churches.

  6. Provide resources and support to Baptist congregations and individuals within MACBF.