Fall Forum with Dr. Willie-LeBreton

9:30am | Faith Formation
At 9:30am, all adult and youth faith formation classes meet in Fellowship Hall for coffee and a continental breakfast (children meet in their usual location). We will hear Dr. Willie-LeBreton speak on A Contemplative Approach to Conflict: For the Playground, the Kitchen and the Office.

11am | Worship
with Dr. Willie-LeBreton preaching: “My people shall never be ashamed: Abundance, Loneliness, the Finished Race and the Good Fight.”

Dr. Willie-LeBreton is Provost and Dean of Faculty and Professor of Sociology at Swarthmore College, and president-elect of Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, a role she will assume in July 2023. As a Quaker and a contemplative, Dr. Willie-LeBreton speaks from the intersection of faith and culture.