Salvation Army Angel Tree Toy Drive 2022

What it is: Angel Tree is a unique holiday assistance program that connects an individual or group sponsor with a deserving child ("angel") in need. The Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program has been running for over 40 years to ensure that these children have a wonderful holiday season with their families. Last year over 11,000 children in the National Capital Area received new gifts from the Angel Tree Program. This year First Baptist will sponsor 25 children.

NEW THIS YEAR: In addition to contactless shipping as we had last year, traditional shopping and bringing the gifts back to the Narthex will be an option as well.

How it works: Those who sponsor a child will be provided a child's first name, gender, age, clothing sizes and 3 wish list gift items, along with instructions (if choosing the online option, how to ship directly to the Angel Tree warehouse). Suggested spending for each child is $80-$150 (feel free to join with a group to provide for a child). Deadline for delivery is Nov. 27.

The Kickoff Party (October 23): Get into the Christmas spirit early and join Santa’s elves in picking Angels from the Angel Tree in person this year. Right after the service, please join us in the Narthex to get the party started! If you can’t make the kickoff please get in touch with a co-chair at any time and they will select a child for you. This year's co-chairs are Susan Lucas and Linda Salmon. Feel free to reach out to Susan or Linda with any questions - Susan: or Linda:, Thanks!